Comparing Coaxial vs Optical Fiber cable

June 26, 2022

Comparing Coaxial vs Optical Fiber cable

The world of cables is vast, yet essential to our daily lives. When comparing Coaxial and Optical Fiber cables, questions arise such as which one is better, or which aspects should be taken into consideration when comparing them. In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison of Coaxial vs Optical Fiber cables, including their technical specifications, advantages, and disadvantages. So, let's dive deep!

Technical specifications

Coaxial cables are composed of a copper core and a metallic shield to prevent electromagnetic interference. They have a bandwidth limitation of approximately 1 GHz, which is suitable for transferring analogue signals, such as TV signals.

On the other hand, Optical Fiber cables are composed of a glass or plastic core, surrounded by a cladding layer, and an outer protective layer. They use light to transmit digital signals, which makes them perfect for transmitting data over longer distances. Optical Fiber cables have a higher bandwidth than Coaxial cables and can accommodate speeds of up to 100 Gbps, making them suitable for the transfer of large amounts of data.

Advantages and disadvantages

Coaxial cables


  • Easy to install and use
  • Low cost
  • Suitable for shorter distances


  • Poor immunity to external interference
  • Limited bandwidth
  • Signal attenuation over long distances

Optical Fiber cables


  • High immunity to external interference
  • Large bandwidth
  • Low signal attenuation over long distances


  • More expensive
  • More delicate and sensitive to physical damage
  • More difficult to install

Final verdict

Both Coaxial and Optical Fiber cables have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between them will largely depend on the specific needs of each application. For analogue signal transmission over shorter distances, Coaxial cables are a good choice due to their low cost and ease of installation. For digital signal transmission over longer distances, and where high speed and large bandwidth are required, Optical Fiber cables are the best option despite their higher cost and more delicate nature.

While we have presented to you an unbiased comparison between Coaxial and Optical Fiber cables, let's finish with a joke about cables:

Why did the fiber optic cable go to the doctor? Because it was feeling light-headed!

We hope you found this blog post informative and entertaining!


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